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repensar la educación

Cada parte de nuestra vida expone una faceta única de quiénes somos, como una pieza de un rompecabezas que, cuando se arma, brinda una imagen más clara de quiénes somos como un todo. Una vez que todas las piezas de nuestro rompecabezas estén en su lugar, podremos realizar todo nuestro potencial como humanos creativos y obtener una hoja de ruta más clara para nuestra existencia. En ausencia de estas piezas del rompecabezas y de la convergencia de diversas perspectivas, nuestra cultura corre el riesgo de quedar permanentemente desconcertada y engañada.


Interdisciplinary Collaboration


We believe the convergence of diverse disciplines is pivotal for navigating the complex challenges of our future. We are creating a dynamic ecosystem where diverse ideas, methodologies, and perspectives converge, allowing for a greater understanding of intelligence and the role of AI within it. Open-mindedness is celebrated as much as expertise; dialogue about the broader implications of our work takes center stage alongside the pursuit of academic excellence. We invite individuals from various backgrounds to participate in our vibrant discourse, leading an inclusive platform where every voice matters. We value the mutual growth derived from learning alongside peers and experts.


Here, while expertise is respected, it is not a prerequisite for making a valuable contribution.



We believe that curiosity fuels the quest for knowledge, and we strive to provide a platform that caters to this innate sense of inquiry. Our platform is a digital treasury of educational materials, each thoughtfully crafted by students from diverse academic backgrounds. We challenge traditional norms, transforming academic publishing by promoting inclusive participation. While these resources are technical in nature, they intertwine elements of self-discovery and global relevance, thereby contributing to a holistic understanding of these complex fields.

Every visitor to our platform is a seeker of knowledge, and we aim for you to depart with not only a deeper comprehension of NeuroAI but also a renewed perspective and curiosity for ongoing discovery.



Education at i2 Axon is not a one-dimensional pursuit of technical proficiency; it's a journey where self-discovery blends with global understanding. We stand as a beacon of accessible education, with a vision to not only impart knowledge but to equip students to make intelligent decisions. Our platform serves as a global canvas for students to hone their learning through our specialized NeuroAI Course and broadcast their insights. In this journey, students master the art of synthesizing complex concepts, ultimately transitioning from learners to contributors, with their work published and recognized globally.


We are not here to teach other people what they ought to believe; rather, we are here to support young people in developing their own unique way of thinking and maximize their potential as they maneuver through this constrained and intricate world. ​



Every research article we publish, every discussion we facilitate, and every revelation is a catalyst with the potential to spur innovation and enact meaningful change. Our mission reverberates far beyond our institutional walls, and as we broaden our horizons globally, we are committed to inspire the upcoming generation of thinkers and leaders. We envision a world where the skills, knowledge, and ethical standpoints fostered at i2 Axon permeate every corner of the AI and Neuroscience industries worldwide. In essence, we seek to create a lasting ripple effect - an echoing legacy of inspired minds who are not only prepared to navigate the future's complexities but are inspired to shape it for a sustainable and ethically conscious tomorrow.



Si está leyendo esto ahora mismo, probablemente sea lo suficientemente privilegiado como para recibir una educación generosa y rascarse la cabeza ante este elevado objetivo. De hecho, cambiar el paradigma educativo y hacer un cambio de perspectiva social es una meta ambiciosa que requerirá una gran inversión de tiempo y dinero. 

No obstante, todos los niños del mundo merecen derechos humanos fundamentales y acceso a una educación de alta calidad. Este objetivo solo es alcanzable si nosotros, los "privilegiados", pensamos fuera de nuestra burbuja residencial y combinamos nuestros recursos para descubrir respuestas viables. Si las sociedades creen que esta visión está más cerca de una utopía que llevará generaciones alcanzar, entonces es probable que ese sea el caso y volveremos a caer en una narrativa educativa obsoleta. Entonces, en lugar de esperar a que este mundo cambie, contribuye a crear ese cambio ahora mismo.

Tenemos grandes expectativas de que este no solo sea un sitio único que brinde un entusiasmo transitorio, sino que sea el comienzo del desarrollo de una comunidad de personas con ideas afines que tendrán una influencia duradera en la sociedad. En última instancia, esperamos u​se esto como un medio para alcanzar la iluminación a través de la práctica de la investigación humanista y documentar la experiencia del mundo que nos rodea para las generaciones futuras.

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